Terms & Conditions


The terms and conditions on which the PPAI will supply you the yearly membership subscription are set out below, please read these terms and conditions before subscribing.

By subscribing to PPAI membership through our site ppai.ie, you agree to these terms and conditions and warrant that:

- you are a member of the PPAI

- are legally capable of entering into binding contracts

After completing sign up, you will receive an email from us via Stripe acknowledging that we have received your first payment.

By entering into this Agreement, you acknowledge that your subscription has an initial and recurring payment feature and you are agreeing to pay recurring periodic subscriptions for an indefinite time until cancelled by you.

The subscription plan to the PPAI membership consists of an initial fee of €60.00 for the first half of yearly membership, then followed by recurring period charges of €60.00 per half year.

The recurring fees from 2022 onwards will be taken on 1st April - €60.00 and 1st October - €60.00, totalling the yearly membership fee of €120.00 until cancelled.

A member may cancel their membership at any time by writing to the Membership Secretary - membershipsecretary@ppai.ie