by Mark Condren
A young relative looks on at the funeral of those who lost their lives in the Carrickmines fire at a traveller halting site.
by Mark Condren
Tour guides from the 1916 freedom tour passing Government buildings. 2016 marks the centenary of The Easter Rising.
by Mark Condren
John Buckley, father of murdered Irish Nurse Karen Buckley gives his wife Marian a comforting kiss at a candlelight vigil on Georges square Glasgow. Also included is Karens brother Kieran.
by Mark Condren
98-year-old D-Day veteran Sir John Leslie who was awarded the Legion of Honour at a ceremony at the French Ambassador’s Residence.
by Mark Condren
Pizza maker Gilles in his Pizza truck in Greystones
by Mark Condren
A cross is carried reinacting the stations of the cross on Good Friday. The cross is carried by different people on the route and passes through the Ballymun Town centre.
by Mark Condren
Emma Day gives her partner Lt Kevin Fitzgerald a kiss after he was awarded with his Military Pilots Wings at a Ceremony in the Air Corps Headquarters.
by Mark Condren
The Tricolour is led to a cermony for five cadets who were awarded with their Military Pilots Wings at a Ceremony in the Air Corps Headquarters in Casement Aerodrome
by Mark Condren
Gillian Treacy after leaving Portlaois circuit after a man was convicted of killing her son by drink driving
by Mark Condren
Mairead Murphy from Sligo shows off her 4 month old baby Pearl to Rachel Williams and Ruth Walsh on Ladies Day at the Galway races.
by Mark Condren
Blacksmith Florence O'Sullivan from Boolteens, Castlemaine, Co Kerry.
by Mark Condren
The remains of the Garda Tony Golden at his State Funeral in Blackrock Coounty Louth. Garda Golden was shot dead in nearby Omeath while responding to a domestic disturbance.